You come from an old and honored European family, Roger Senzig
said, as he rolled out a large chart. The chart contained the Senzig
family tree going all of the way back to 1253! Each name and date
had been lovingly placed by little rub on letters and numbers. Untold
hours of effort. He told me that the study of the family had been his
avocation for the past 10 years. He came to my hotel in Metz that
morning in response to a call to his mother, prompted by checking
the phone directory for my surname. He was delighted to
learn of the American branch of his family.
French underground during WWII and had been so lavishly decorated
that he had been inducted into the prestigious French Legion of Honor
and eventually became the Commander! What a relative to have
I asked if I might have some time to take notes from this chart
to bring back to the American family. He said no. This is for you,
this is my gift to you. I was astounded! What a magnificent treasure!
I mumbled something about making an effort to give every American
Roger assured me that if I would assemble my relatives, he would come
to America and tell all of us the story of our family. I did, and he did,
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